Thursday, September 06, 2001

We had mimeographs and bad Xeroxes but this is how some folks see the Panthers Den in these latter days. Anyone got the old issues buried somewhere? I'd love to revisit the misspellings of yesterday.

In retrospect I feel a tad bit sorry for the principal at Wallington High, one Frank A. Cocchiola, Jr, while we were there. Now that I've been a parent for a while I can see where our actions might have been construed as annoying, possibly even worth the heat we got. On second thought, I think if my kid didnt at least attempt some of the stuff we did I would be disapointed. Lets face it, is a High School life worth while that has not been detainted, threatened with expulsion or given at least one F? I guese now is a good time to give some lessons in how not to be a sloppy drunk in home room.

A few photos of Wallington circa 1981. These come from Laura Fronheisers photo albums, whose link I got by way of Mikey Warren.

"Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?"

What is Wallington ? It is a town, a school and a state of mind. Welcome to Wally World.

Why the fascination with this place? I did some time there, young time, the impressionable times. I moved up there the summer before I started 10th grade. After a belated graduation in 1983 I moved out, back in, out again, back in again and then finally gone for good save the occasional visit to Mukey Land.

But you never totally leave Wally World.

They say you are a product of your environment so in many ways I am various parts Bronx, Holllywood Fla, Manhattan and Wallington.

Kevin Smith has Red Bank, I got Wallington; go figure.